Friday 19 October 2012

Free Information Event at Frome Library

On Wednesday 17th October, James Hollis and Stewart Donald of our Frome office provided a presentation at an event at Frome Library, held in conjunction with Kelly Hall of the local charity Positive Action on Cancer and the local charity Open Story Tellers

The meeting was well supported, it was great to see so many local people there. Both charities were able to explain the benefits that legacies would make to their operations locally. Our team talked about matters which should be borne in mind in making a will, what can happen if you do not make a will,  tax opportunities that may be taken and steps that can be taken to safeguard assets where one member of a couple has to go into residential care.

There were many questions from the floor. James and Stewart, and other members of FDC Law's Private Client department, look forward to seeing many of the guests again, to provide further help and support in making a will.